Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Monday, May 31, 2004

No fears about gettting run over today...

When I arrived at work at 9am (yay I got to sleep in), there were 7 cars in the parking garage. Everyone has the day off, and I was actually 5 minutes early to work because there wasn't any traffic. It would have been 10, but I decided to stroll to the library from the parking garage instead of power walking. When I worked at B&N, every holiday brought bitterness because I knew I had to work, but now that I (kind of) have the option to work or not, I love holidays because at the library, we're not very busy. What student is going to get up at 9am on a holiday and say, "hmm, the first thing I want to do today is study!" I don't think so. At B&N, of course, it was the opposite. Somehow people don't mind getting up early to go shopping. Especially the day after Thanksgiving. Ick.

So, while I do have to work one more holiday to make up some snow days, at least I know that for the future, I probably won't be making up too many of those days, unless the library closes and I can't go to work. The only reason I have to make these up is because they were my first 2 days of work, and I couldn't go to work if my boss didn't go to work. Now, I'm a well trained Media/Microforms expert. Ask me anything. And since I don't fear the snow like everyone else, I'll be heading to work in January and enjoying my holidays next year. (Hurricanes are another matter. I won't be going anywhere when a hurricane is coming.) Of course, today is just going to be thunderstormy anyway, so I'd rather have a different day off.

Friday, May 28, 2004

The Truth about Bozo

In case you were wondering, apparently one guy was originally credited as being the first Bozo (the clown), but now suddenly another guy is the creator. People are getting cranky.

Parking Garage

Well folks, I survived another morning in the parking garage and did not get run over. You wouldn't think this would be an issue, since there are very clearly marked speed limit signs. But ever since I started coming in at 8am, when everyone else, including students comes in, I've been very clearly risking my life in the parking garage. Staff members share 1/2 the parking garage with students, and I'd like to say that it's those reckless students rushing around corners and driving far faster than 5mph in their great desire to get to class on time. However, since the majority of students are gone by 5pm when I leave, I must admit that many staff members may be to blame for my fear as well. Apparently after 9 hours on the job (yeah we get an hour lunch break, but we have to be here for 9 hours to get it - if you ask me I'd rather have 1/2 an hour and go home at 4:30) people just want to go home. I'm as eager to go home as the next person, but I'm certainly not willing to run someone over to get there. Yikes!

Thursday, May 27, 2004


I have to thank Liz for giving me my first 2 plants that I didn't eventually hand over to my dad and say "you do it." (Ok, I never really said "you do it," I said "I'll do it" until it was time to water them, when I just didn't. My dad, being a good Kraft, didn't want to let any green thing die, and adopted it.) Anyway, so eventually my Kraft genes kicked in and I was able to keep Liz's housewarming plants alive. Then, I asked my dad to send some more plants down with my grandparents (who crazily drove to NC all the way from VT). Well this inspired me even more, so with the help of my dad (while my parents were here - they flew - boy were their arms tired - haha), I bought some plum tomato seeds. He determined that I would have the best luck with them in a container. Actually, I think he was looking for cherry tomato seeds, but the 10 cent seed rack at WalMart didn't have any, and my slightly lacking in sunlight back patio didn't make it worth buying anything expensive. Honestly, I didn't think they would grow - I've killed about 8 cilantro seedlings since February (though my basil is finally growing), and I figured something that needed as might light as tomatoes wouldn't make it. But... so far so good! My seedling is now almost 2" high! Of course, the cilantro got about 4" high and died every time, so I shouldn't get too optimistic yet. We'll see...

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I think I'm doing something wrong

Everyone else's blog entry count is rising, but mine seems stuck at 67. It's been like that for a while now, I think, but I really noticed it after I last posted. Now, not that I'm disputing that I've only posted 67 times (in fact, I'm surprised it's that many), but I wonder if I'm doing something wrong with this new blogger format. I'm so confused. :(

New Jobs All Around

Well, sort of. As a sort of compromise to being able to work 8-5 in the summer, I also have to learn a new job. Not that I think of it as a punishment - it's great - As of yesterday, I started work in the Microforms Room. This is completely different than anything I've ever done. I'm sure some of you remember a few rolls of Microfilm with the New York times on it at Messiah. Well here, we have everything from the News and Observer (local paper) to Bicycling. The room is probably the same size as the whole periodicals area at Messiah, and now I am kind of in charge of it (my boss is, naturally, truly in charge). Let me tell you, there was a lot to learn. Everything has different kinds of call numbers. Some people just want to read, some want to print, and some want to scan (that's a pretty cool little invention, let me tell you). We have Microfilm (the rolls) and Microfiche (the flat things). But, the room is in the nice wing of the building. Instead of walking slowly into a dark, smelly, scary bathroom, I can stroll into a marblized bathroom with more windows than the entire Media Center. Yesterday was a steep learning curve, but I think I've got the hang of it. Anyone wanting to look at the Washington Post from 1955, just come to me :)

Friday, May 21, 2004

They finally did it!

That's right, the pool is finally open. Andy and I have been enjoying some post-work dips that have really made the fact that I do have to work a little more enjoyable. I think it would be fun to spend a week sitting poolside somewhere. Well, maybe not a week, maybe just a weekend. It'd get pretty boring after a while. If we don't get any crazy storms (like they're predicting) then that's probably where I'll be - unless the millions of kids in our complex come too. Anyway, it's going to be 90 today and over 90 all through the weekend. I can't believe this. In Vermont you wouldn't even be able to leave your windows open at night because it'd get too cold, and here, it's probably no lower than 65 or 70 every night, and it's only May.

The horror of the August heat in NC is returning to me now... at least this apartment has A/C so we can get some relief.

Speaking of A/C, these people down here are crazy. Ever since it was about 75 degrees outside, everyone has had their A/C on (we can hear it). Granted, there have been a few days where it might have been more comfortable to have the apartment a little cooler, but I enjoy a nice 75 degree room. That way you can still go barefoot and wear shorts and not have to be under a blanket. But the people down here are just crazy. In the winter it's too cold so you have to have the heat on all the time, and really warm. Now that it's summer, you'd think they'd want to enjoy the warmth, but instead they've already got the A/C on when it's not even warm enough for it. Apparently 75 is too hot in the summer. Unfortunately, even northern transplants are subject to the craziness (I hope we can hold out), since one of my coworkers is from Rhode Island and has also lived in Michigan. She says she never opens her windows but goes straight from heat to A/C. Ever hear of those toxins in your house? I'm sure everyone remembers my post about air clearing house plants, so I won't go into that again, but I will remind you of this: your home can be more polluted than the outside air if you never let it breathe. So take a little lesson from the Germans and throw open your windows for 10 minutes every morning (even if it's the middle of winter - that's a little extreme) and air out your house. Unless you live in NYC or Southern California, you're probably getting at least slightly cleaner air.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

The bugs are coming....

And I'm not talking mosquitos. They're cicadas, and this year is the one. They come out every 17 years and make lots of noise. Most of us were pretty little the last time they were around, and I've never seen anything like what the article describes. I don't want to be crunching any bugs under my feet, especially in my house! With my luck, they'll come out just as the pool opens and we will either have to swim through tons of bugs or not swim at all.

I know no one will feel sorry for me, but...

It's 8:03 am and I have been at work for more than half an hour. While I enjoy the 10 minute walk from the parking garage (I pay 22.97 per month for the priviledge of parking 10 minutes from my place of work - the joys of working on a large college campus underfunded by the state - I hope that my $23 is at least paying for them to fix a few potholes around campus) - Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, so, even though we only live about 10 minutes from campus, I actually have to leave 20 minutes early to get to work - now we're talking Barnes & Noble commute time. So, my little lazy bottom has to get out of bed far earlier than I would like. It's nothing like Jimmy's 5am, but when you're used to sleeping in and strolling into work at 11am, this week has been a rude awakening (or not awakening, depending on whether it's before or after my jaunt from the parking garage). The sad thing is that I used to get up almost as early when I worked at B&N. Of course, then I also had to spend 8 hours standing up and running around the store, so I should be able to handle sitting. I've determined that I will enjoy working a normal person's schedule if it kills me. Now if they'd only open the pool...

The subject of pools is one that upsets me very much. We moved into this lovely apartment complex in February. The pool was supposed to open in April, and it has definitley been hot enough since about the 2nd week in April to go swimming every day. Apparently, before a "public" pool can open, however, it has to be inspected by the county health inspector. This appears to take months, since it's now May 19, and the pool just taunts me. It's 85 degrees out there - in Vermont we call that a heat wave and everyone runs to the nearest body of water. I have been a law abiding citizen, however, unlike the people who snuck in a few days ago at 10pm. You can learn a lot about your neighbors by leaving the windows open instead of blasting the A/C every chance you can. :)

Monday, May 17, 2004

Here's a helpful link...

It's called and it will tell you the highest and lowest gas prices in your city. Assuming you live in a city - I don't know whether the Cove is on there, James :) But in a small town, there are so few stations that it's pretty easy to figure out which one is the cheapest. Good luck and happy driving.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

For all you graduates...

Now that you have a little time on your hands, check out this fun game I've been playing. It's called Zuma, and it's kind of like all the other "get colored balls lined up so they disappear" games. It's highly addicting :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Don't throw those old sneakers away!

Recycle them! There used to be places you could mail your sneakers to, and they would be sent to runners in Africa who don't have shoes. Unfortunately I've been able to locate that non-profit. However, Nike does grind up your old sneakers and make them into athletic surfaces (ie tracks, weight room mats, etc.). Then it donates them to places that need them. Check the location link for a place near you. Unfortunately there aren't too many drop off points. You can, however, mail them. Sneakers aren't that heavy, and heck, you'll be supporting the US Postal Service - it's taken a hit since the advent of email. Anyway, I'm not some sort of rabid recycler, but little things make a difference. Oh yeah, and next time you go to the grocery store, bring back those old plastic bags, there is usually a drop off right there in the store. The plastic grocery bags cause huge problems in landfills because they just love to float away.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Oh yeah and this new setup definitely changes things...

When I went to take a look at the new post, I noticed Andy's photo... now we all know that this particularly lovely pink blog is not his. I just piggybacked on his registration. I guess I should do a little editing - but not until everyone can laugh at Andy's head surrounded by pink on this very girly blog :)

I'm trying to like PINK

So I thought I'd try one of these new templates. I have to admit that I really do not appreciate the new changes that has made. I really like being able to read my old posts as I write. I guess we all learn how to adjust to new things. Though when I first went to when they made the big changes, I didn't look at it very carefully and had to actually read it to make sure I'd gone to the right page.

Friday, May 07, 2004

George Bush and John Kerry related?

Who knew? :)

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Do you think Ed would have worn one of these?

So the link from said: "Bowling Shirts: Hip Again?" and I immediately thought of the much loved sitcom guy: Ed. The article isn't quite what I thought it would be (millions of 30-somethings embracing the bowling shirt), but rather praise for the revitalization of a luxury line of bowling shirts (who knew?) first produced in the 1940s. But I have to wonder - did Ed start a new bowling shirt craze?

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

You might need to start giving the kids some more milk money...

I don't know about you, but I almost passed out the other day when I went to buy some milk. $3.49 a gallon, even at the store that used to be the cheapest ($2.99/gal). Well, I don't know about you, but that seems like a lot. Back home in VT we used to pay $1.99 a gallon, and when I told my grandparents that we paid $2.99, I thought they were going to fall off their chairs. Now, I don't think I'd even want to risk it, given their age! Anyway, I was browsing MSN today, as I often do, and I came across an article all about why we have to pay more for milk. It's certainly an interesting read. Congrats to those dairy farmers who are actually getting a raise - since they do a lot of work!

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

A little article about teachers

The question is, "Are Teachers Overpaid?" I think this article definitely highlights the important issues between taxes and teachers' salaries. If you want to know why teachers should be paid more, the answer is: "Today, potential teachers--men or women--have so many other options that it's the teaching profession that must compete, against other lines of work, to reel in the top talents. Otherwise, instead of teaching, those top talents might choose to be... Well, let's see: police officers, accountants, department store buyers, architects, computer systems analysts, engineers, attorneys, professors, or doctors, for example. "

I know no one wants to pay taxes, but if you're going to pay for something, don't you want your kids (and your neighbors' kids) to be taught by someone who is the best, who could have been anything? That way, future generations will have a better chance of being anything! I know it's not all about money, and maybe you're thinking that the best teachers are the ones who are doing it because they love it, not because they make as much as an engineer, but I'll tell you one thing, you'd have to pay me a lot more than my mom gets paid to do what she does, especially if I could have an easier job for more money. And anyone who doesn't think it's hard to be a teacher doesn't remember what 7th grade was like :)