Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

New Jobs All Around

Well, sort of. As a sort of compromise to being able to work 8-5 in the summer, I also have to learn a new job. Not that I think of it as a punishment - it's great - As of yesterday, I started work in the Microforms Room. This is completely different than anything I've ever done. I'm sure some of you remember a few rolls of Microfilm with the New York times on it at Messiah. Well here, we have everything from the News and Observer (local paper) to Bicycling. The room is probably the same size as the whole periodicals area at Messiah, and now I am kind of in charge of it (my boss is, naturally, truly in charge). Let me tell you, there was a lot to learn. Everything has different kinds of call numbers. Some people just want to read, some want to print, and some want to scan (that's a pretty cool little invention, let me tell you). We have Microfilm (the rolls) and Microfiche (the flat things). But, the room is in the nice wing of the building. Instead of walking slowly into a dark, smelly, scary bathroom, I can stroll into a marblized bathroom with more windows than the entire Media Center. Yesterday was a steep learning curve, but I think I've got the hang of it. Anyone wanting to look at the Washington Post from 1955, just come to me :)


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