Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

I know no one will feel sorry for me, but...

It's 8:03 am and I have been at work for more than half an hour. While I enjoy the 10 minute walk from the parking garage (I pay 22.97 per month for the priviledge of parking 10 minutes from my place of work - the joys of working on a large college campus underfunded by the state - I hope that my $23 is at least paying for them to fix a few potholes around campus) - Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, so, even though we only live about 10 minutes from campus, I actually have to leave 20 minutes early to get to work - now we're talking Barnes & Noble commute time. So, my little lazy bottom has to get out of bed far earlier than I would like. It's nothing like Jimmy's 5am, but when you're used to sleeping in and strolling into work at 11am, this week has been a rude awakening (or not awakening, depending on whether it's before or after my jaunt from the parking garage). The sad thing is that I used to get up almost as early when I worked at B&N. Of course, then I also had to spend 8 hours standing up and running around the store, so I should be able to handle sitting. I've determined that I will enjoy working a normal person's schedule if it kills me. Now if they'd only open the pool...

The subject of pools is one that upsets me very much. We moved into this lovely apartment complex in February. The pool was supposed to open in April, and it has definitley been hot enough since about the 2nd week in April to go swimming every day. Apparently, before a "public" pool can open, however, it has to be inspected by the county health inspector. This appears to take months, since it's now May 19, and the pool just taunts me. It's 85 degrees out there - in Vermont we call that a heat wave and everyone runs to the nearest body of water. I have been a law abiding citizen, however, unlike the people who snuck in a few days ago at 10pm. You can learn a lot about your neighbors by leaving the windows open instead of blasting the A/C every chance you can. :)


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