Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Friday, May 28, 2004

Parking Garage

Well folks, I survived another morning in the parking garage and did not get run over. You wouldn't think this would be an issue, since there are very clearly marked speed limit signs. But ever since I started coming in at 8am, when everyone else, including students comes in, I've been very clearly risking my life in the parking garage. Staff members share 1/2 the parking garage with students, and I'd like to say that it's those reckless students rushing around corners and driving far faster than 5mph in their great desire to get to class on time. However, since the majority of students are gone by 5pm when I leave, I must admit that many staff members may be to blame for my fear as well. Apparently after 9 hours on the job (yeah we get an hour lunch break, but we have to be here for 9 hours to get it - if you ask me I'd rather have 1/2 an hour and go home at 4:30) people just want to go home. I'm as eager to go home as the next person, but I'm certainly not willing to run someone over to get there. Yikes!


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