I have to thank Liz for giving me my first 2 plants that I didn't eventually hand over to my dad and say "you do it." (Ok, I never really said "you do it," I said "I'll do it" until it was time to water them, when I just didn't. My dad, being a good Kraft, didn't want to let any green thing die, and adopted it.) Anyway, so eventually my Kraft genes kicked in and I was able to keep Liz's housewarming plants alive. Then, I asked my dad to send some more plants down with my grandparents (who crazily drove to NC all the way from VT). Well this inspired me even more, so with the help of my dad (while my parents were here - they flew - boy were their arms tired - haha), I bought some plum tomato seeds. He determined that I would have the best luck with them in a container. Actually, I think he was looking for cherry tomato seeds, but the 10 cent seed rack at WalMart didn't have any, and my slightly lacking in sunlight back patio didn't make it worth buying anything expensive. Honestly, I didn't think they would grow - I've killed about 8 cilantro seedlings since February (though my basil is finally growing), and I figured something that needed as might light as tomatoes wouldn't make it. But... so far so good! My seedling is now almost 2" high! Of course, the cilantro got about 4" high and died every time, so I shouldn't get too optimistic yet. We'll see...
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