I usually post on Mondays, since I don't have to work. Today I don't really have anything to talk about. The elections are almost here, and I can't wait. I'm so tired of all those ads - I can't even imagine how horrible it must be in a swing state where you have to deal with presidential ads on top of all the local stuff. Every once in a while we get a Kerry-Edwards ad, usually reminding us how Edwars loves the regular North Carolinians, but Bush must feel secure in North Carolina's republicanism, because I think I've only seen 2. Apparently the latest CNN/Gallup Poll has the race too close to call. Frankly, I'm frightened about the election. I'm frightened for many reasons, but the non-political one relates to how long it's going to take them to figure out who won. Many states were decided by only a few hundred votes last time, and I don't think this time will be much different. I know that the country went on after the last election fiasco, but you have to admit, people are a little more firmly rooted in their beliefs this time around. Or at least it seems that way. In any case, I hope that it doesn't come down to months of court cases in all those battleground states.
One of the Indian students told me to "Vote for the right candidate" after I left work on Thursday. I hope I did. I hope you do too. Unfortunately, it's hard to know who the right candidate is until you've seen him, or sometimes her, in office for a while. Maybe I should have started a write-in campaign for John McCain... :)