I used to have my own computer. Not that we don't have a computer any more, but I used to only use one computer. My trusty IBM Thinkpad from college that stood the test of time and got my through an MA in Public History. Well, it's still going, but it has some trouble with PDFs, can't run Word with the track changes feature (cuz it's Win 98 with an old edition of office that eats the new version's track changes), and it gets really sad when you have too many websites open at once. Oh yeah, and most places won't let it on their WiFi because Windows 98 might eat them. Or something.
Anyway, it used to be my only computer. I used Andy's computer when I really had to do something that mine just couldn't do, since his laptop was just a smidge newer than mine and had XP. Well, that laptop bit the dust (it still goes, kind of), and we bought a new computer from Tiger Direct about 2 1/2 years ago. The shine of its big screen still didn't lure me away from my laptop in the corner. What did was the freezing cold winter temps in the bedroom of our tiny apartment in Oak Park. Then I was hooked. So I still used the IBM when needed, but the big computer was just so much better for viewing multiple PDFs of articles about food while writing my Master's Essay. So I transferred my bookmarks and started using the "big" computer.
Then I got into grad school at UIUC. I knew I wanted a laptop because there's nothing I hate more than computer labs. They usually smell, have weird temperature control issues, and are just downright annoying. Since I had all sorts of trouble with my trusty IBM at LUC, I wasn't about to try to go to 10 days of library school bootcamp with a laptop from 2001. Nope, sorry, not going to have it fail at some crucial moment when I desperately need wireless service. So we got me a new laptop. It's pretty and silver and does everything I need it to. Except that it's a laptop, and it is still really nice to use the big computer sometimes.
What is the point of this rambling, you ask? Well, I was just thinking today as I bookmarked some useful website, that I really need to start using del.icio.us. I have bookmarks all over the place, and I have to check both computers to find what I need. I'd never bothered with the site much before because I didn't think it was worth it to me. Now I wish I had. So I think I'm going to break down and try it. For the good of myself and those around me. And the giant bookmarks list I've got on this computer alone...