I went to class on Monday, as I do every Monday. At the end of class, an undergrad stood up and said, "So, about our paper" (which is due in a week) ... "Is it ok to just use our textbooks for our sources?" Now this is a 5 page paper, not just a little 1 page thing. The professor was like, "Well, I guess you could theoretically do your paper using just the textbooks, assuming you very carefully choose your topic..."
Student: So you wouldn't be disappointed to turn to the bibliography and see only 2 sources?
Prof: Well, I would be able to tell that you used only 2 sources long before I got to the bibliograpy.
Student: But it would be ok?
Prof: Ok, as your professor, you can do whatever you want. As your friend, I'd recommend stopping in at the library and picking up a few books.
I'm not sure what happened after this, as I had to leave the room before I started laughing. Wow. This is a 400 level class for the undergrads, and of course it's combined w/grad students. I can't imagine what prompted this student to even think that this would be ok.