I forgot
to talk about going back to NCF and seeing Pastor Bruce. He was the one who did our premarriage counseling, since we weren't able to commute back and forth to VT :) Anyway, it was great to be back there and see what things were different and what were the same. Andy and I both gave each other a little look when they started talking about Purpose Driven Life Bible studies, but we decided that it was probably better to do that sort of thing in a group Bible study kind of way than to go to any old Purpose Driven group. Maybe you could then talk to people about Purpose Driven Life - what's good, what's bad. I don't know... Anyway, I've always loved that church - good music, good teaching, good people. Sometimes I really miss it. After the service, we had a chance to talk to Pastor Bruce for a little while. He wasn't surprised that we were still married, so that's definitely a good thing. He asked us what our biggest adjustment was once we got married. It took a little while to come up with just one (although that's not a bad thing - we also moved to what I consider a different country, here in the South). I finally said that just living with someone is a big deal. It's not the same as having a roommate - you have to live with this person all the time and sleep in the same bed. Good thing we don't snore :) Well, I just thought I'd share my excitement...
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