Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

I'm tired

not so much physically, but mentally. I'm tired of people at my job yelling at me for things that I cannot help and that are not my fault. Why can't people just be nice for a change? Why not recognize that being nice might actually make me want to help you out, when yelling at me just makes me want to get you off the phone as soon as possible? I think that we should all try to be nice every once in a while, whether it's to that salesperson who seems to have lost the last of whatever item you had reserved, or whether it's to the customer service rep on the other end of the line who is not to blame for the fact that the computer is saying you should be charged $7,000 for your phone bill. Remember that it could be your mom or your dad or your best friend that you are talking to, and treat them nicely. Then maybe people wouldn't hate their jobs so much.

On a positive note, I don't have to deal with any of that at my new job :) Yay I'm almost out of here!


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