Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

I'm beginning to think that it's harder to get a job than I thought

When we first moved here, I got 3 job offers in the span of about 2 weeks, and I think I only applied for 4. Granted, I had applied for a lot of jobs at NCSU before we moved, but I thought maybe I just needed a Raleigh address and the jobs would start pouring in. Or at least someone might call me for an interview. Well, in 7 months, I've been called to interview for 2 jobs at NCSU, both of which I didn't really want. I don't even remember how many I've applied for. And don't get me wrong, I'm not out there applying to be the director of the library. I'm applying for jobs I'm completely qualified for, at least in my opinion. Well, in any case, if you work in the NCSU libraries, please give me a job, and if you don't, any ideas for a new career would be greatly appreciated.


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