Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Friday, January 26, 2007

LUC on MySpace

So, I got my weekly email from Loyola telling me about this and that going on around campus. Normally, I skim through to make sure that I'm not missing some big cholera epidemic or important deadline for graduation. Then I stopped when I got to "Visit Loyola's Official MySpace Profile." Lo and behold, LUC is on MySpace in an official capacity. I wonder how many universities are "officially" on MySpace? I've read a lot about this, and technically, you are violating the user agreement by putting an organization/nonperson online, but no one seems to care. This is actually one of the reasons why the library doesn't have a page. In any case, I haven't decided whether or not LUC should be my friend. That seems like a big step. We've really only known each other for a little while, and I'm not sure I'm ready to decide that I like the school that much. Hmm...


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