It's almost time...
to start school once again. Despite the fact that I get very excited about course descriptions and then totally disappointed when the classes aren't nearly as cool as they sound, this semester will probably live up to my expectations. That is, I didn't really want to take these classes to begin with, so I don't have high expectations. I'll be satisfied if they're not too hard, and I get a little bit of actual hands-on useful knowledge. One of them is an archives class, which I think would be horribly, horribly boring without hands-on experience. The other is historic preservation. Someone in my family (I can't remember who) thought that hands-on experience would be just great for that class. I disagree, as hands-on experience in that class would probably mean trekking to some museum in who-knows-where with too much traffic and no El service. Have I mentioned the LUC student motto? "If you can't get there on the El, it's not worth going." So true. Ok, not really, but it is a good excuse not to go to a few places :)
In any case, I have a lot of things going on right now... I'm working on my application for U of I, trying to figure out my chances of getting one of about a dozen scholarships from ALA, trying to get my paper together to submit it for the LUC grad student conference, trying to figure out where to publish that Jello paper, getting my paper about Scoville Park cut in 1/2 so I can submit it to some journal that I forgot the name of, trying to figure out whether I can submit to the Encyclopedia of Culture Wars, scheduling my oral exams so that I can graduate... I guess I really should be doing that instead of writing in this blog. Eeek. Oh yeah, and I have to go to work and organize a whole new Children's Church plan. I need a vacation.
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