Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I'm sitting on my bottom!

In my Toddler Time storytime, I have a problem with some kids getting so excited about the books that they stand right in front of them, thereby blocking the view for all the other kids. Granted, these are 2 year olds, so you can't expect too much from them. However, we try to teach them the importance of sitting and listening to the story. Call it reading appreciation. In any case, I tell them that they can come close to the books as long as they "sit on their bottoms." This isn't always successful, as you can imagine, but I try. I have one girl who is a total ham and completely adorable. She recently turned 2, but she talks like she is 4. In any case, after I said, "ok everyone, let's sit on our bottoms when we listen to the story!" She replied (very loudly), "I'm sitting on my bottom!" with a big grin on her face. Very cute.


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