Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Would you eat this?

Cottage cheese and ketchup. Apparently Nixon ate it because he had to eat cottage cheese for "weight control" and added ketchup to make it edible. The bizzare things you learn while reading books about the history of food. Also bizzare is the fact that Mozilla's spell checker doesn't recognize "bizzare." I checked Word to make sure I was spelling it correctly.


At 11:25 PM, Blogger Jimmy said...

Hmmm, maybe that's what I need to do to tolerate the taste of cheese. Just add ketchup. On second thought, I still wouldn't eat the stuff. Also Mozilla doesn't recognize the proper spelling of the work "okay" either. But I still love it (the spell checker, not cheese)!


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