No Spring Break
Well I just want to point out that I am NOT on Spring Break, though I wish I was. We do have tomorrow and Friday off for Easter, but I'm still working at the park. Apparently somewhere some private school still wants to learn about cotton. Frankly, I'm suprised that we have any time off at NC State, since it is a public school. Of course, they didn't call it Easter break, so that might make it ok. In good ole VT we didn't get Easter break unless it happened to fall in the 2nd week of April when we normally had our April break. (We also had a February break that coincided with Presidents' Day so that people could go skiing and not catch the flu from staying inside nasty school buildings too long. One year, they made the break a different week - like one week later - and everyone got sick, including me - they almost had to close school anyway. There's something to be said for fresh air and rest, I guess)
Well, Friday will be spent in the Microforms room trying not to get motion-sick from watching the microfilm go by. Yay dining room project. I'm not very motivated to do it today, but maybe Friday. 10 pages are due in 2.5 weeks, and the final 25-35 pages are due in 5. yikes.
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