You know you're in the South when...
I think you will all remember some of my previous posts about this subject. This morning I encountered something that I still can't quite believe happened without any injuries. I was sitting at an intersection waiting to turn left on a divided highway. One of the cars in front of me apparently decided that they needed to get to Bojangles right away. As the ads say, "Gotta Wanna Needa Havea Getta Bojangles," and this person apparently decided that they did. Unfortunately, the Bojangles couldn't be reached by turning left at this intersection. Since it's a divided highway, the individual should have gone up to the next intersection, made a U-turn (legal in NC) and then turned into the Bojangles. Instead, this car chose to drive up the wrong side of the road, cutting across 3 lanes of traffic and a left turn lane to turn into the Bojangles driveway. Insane, I say, insane.
On top of that, we had a little snow today (0.6"). As people panicked about getting to their cars, I spent 25 mins on the bus (should have been about 7) and then 25 more driving home and trying not to get rear ended by people who don't understand the concept of extra braking distance on slippery roads. Fortunately Andy & I are both home safe, but I can't say that I appreciate the lack of salt trucks around here.
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