I love my kitty!
Well, Andy pretty much summed up our cat in his latest entry, but she is just amazing. I've never seen anything like it. This morning, when she heard our alarm go off, she ran in the room and jumped on the bed to say hi. We had not moved yet, nor had we turned the light on. She just knew that Bill & Sherri on 101.5 meant only one thing: The people are getting up! Maybe they will play with me!
I went home for lunch yesterday to check on her, and to try to find the pet part of our lease so I knew how much of a deposit we had to pay for the little thing. I expected to find her hiding under the bed like she did the first time we went away. Instead, I went upstairs to find her staring out the window (every cat's favorite past time). So, other than the fact that she eats a lot less than any pet I've ever known (maybe it's a girl animal thing - we've always had boy animals), she seems to have adjusted quite well. I think she looks a little like an owl in that picture on Andy's blog, but she is the softest kitty you'll ever meet.
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