I applied for American Library Association scholarships, which I probably won't get. Illinois, however, gives out big time scholarships to 15 students each year. I didn't think I'd be able to apply for them because U of I doesn't notify its students in time, but apparently they are willing to work with me to get everything together in time. So now I can apply for a scholarship I actually have a chance of getting. Of course, this means one more thing to do before May 1. I have so much to do, I just can't even do any of it. Expect light blogging for the next 2 months.
So I took a new job a few months ago (long story) with the Raleigh City Museum. It's a great job as it allows me to go on and on about how great a place Raleigh is. (um ya'll should visit)
ANYWAY, so my boss tells me that one of my roles as "Director of Education and Outreach" (sounds impressive don't it?) is to interact with a group called "The Raleigh Heritage Trail". The group is basically an alliance of historical parks in the Raleigh area.
So I'm meeting with them for the first time and as always when meeting with historic people in the Raleigh area for the first time I just happen to toss out that I might know the infamous Janet Vogel.
Of course there is an immediate gasp from several members around the table. It becomes aparent to me from the looks on their faces that I have achieved instant credibility.
"THE Janet Vogel?" they say. "Of course!"
I sighed and wondered if I would ever be able to work my way out of your enormous shadow. Even with you in the cold recesses of the northern parts of the United States (may God have pity on you) your impact on Raleigh is still felt. We're simply going to have to do an exhibit on you Vogels sometime soon. Can you send me some photos and your mini so we can create wax life-sized replicas of you guys?
All of this to say: Your friends at Oak View said to tell you hello, and I unfortunately have lost all contact info for you and Andy (which incidentally is why we haven't written you a thank-you note for your wedding gifts -- actually we have it written, sealed in an envelope, but without an address) so this is the only way I know how to get in touch with you!
PS my new email is
Your friend,
Sir Walter
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