Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I made an observation today as I struggled to return home from work in what appears to be a freak snowstorm that no one was expecting. I work in a rich town. Median home price is $800,000, so I'm not joking about the rich. You would expect such a town to have an excellent supply of salt, salt trucks, plows, the works. Indeed, you would expect that the roads in such town, as well as other "well-to-do" towns would be meticulously maintained so that the residents would not endanger their BMWs, Mercedes (by the way, what's the plural of "Mercedes"? is it Mercedi? Mercedeses? I think I like Mercedi), and Porsche SUVs. On the contrary, the farther east I went (and into the poorer areas - where, we probably could afford to buy a house, but are terrified to), the roads became better and better. Although they seem to have issues with paving the roads, their salting and plowing is exemplary. Even little old Oak Park wasn't quite as good as Forest Park (which seemed to have the best roads, although it has a good mix of safe and unsafe neighborhoods, so it doesn't qualify as "poor". In any case, quite interesting.


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