Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Monday, November 13, 2006

An interesting post from a fellow blogger

Isn't the internet great? I clicked on Alan & Beth's blog, then clicked on their comments and found someone else's blog. I thought maybe I knew the person, but I was wrong. In any case, he had an interesting post about the election that you might want to read. It talks about the role of religion in voting. I found the link to the MSNBC story particularly interesting. It notes "People really care about right and wrong more than right and left, and their antennae were up about corruption and the war in Iraq and kitchen-table moral issues -- health care and poverty." In my opinion, don't associate yourself with a party just because it claims to be "moral." Think about the things you are concerned with - hey, like feeding poor people - and vote accordingly based on individuals. I hate this party stuff. Give me a middle of the road guy or gal who isn't saying crazy things just to get noticed. The Lieberman election is an interesting example of Andy's comment that the primaries are ruining this country. Ok, that's not what he said - I exaggerated. In any case, you get the crazy uberdemocrats and uberrepublicans making it so that only other uber party members can win the primary. Or you get stuck with John Kerry because the people of Iowa are strange. If you're lucky, you can find someone middle of the road in the independent category, but not usually.

Come on, America, let's shrug off the lemming mentality and vote with your gut in 2008 instead of voting with the people of Iowa and New Hampshire. By the time you get to the North Carolina caucus, the primary races should not have been decided. Maybe the primaries should all be on the same day? Then 2 states wouldn't determine the fate of our nation.

By the way, this was written without a ton of thought. Don't freak out on me people.


At 12:22 AM, Blogger Jimmy said...

What are the odds? You and I both made reference to lemmings in our entries today. Just thought I'd point that out. How are you doing?


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