Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Friday, August 11, 2006

Wrap this baby up

Going to a final wrap up meeting at FLW this morning, and then I'm officially finished with my internship. Ok, I'm supposed to be, but unfortunately one of the people I worked with had a family emergency, so I didn't get a chance to have a final meeting with her about the tour I researched. So while I'm technically done, at least in terms of LUC, I actually have a few things to wrap up after the wrap up. I just hope this family emergency turns out ok.

Oh and we finally got the emission test notice for the Saab. Here's hoping they actually did fix the muffler correctly and we pass with flying colors. Things are starting to fall off in the interior (trim, not actual functioning pieces), and I'm not sure how long Andy's going to be able to handle the fabric on the sunroof hanging down. I guess it is pretty annoying, but not enough for me to bother tucking it in :) On a related note, I just want to complain about Illinois emission testing. In NC, you just went to almost any old place for your inspection, which included emission testing. Here, they don't actually have regular inspection (some weird midwestern thing), just emissions testing. So, you have to drive to some random place 10 miles away to do your test. Why can't we just go to the Jiffy Lube down the street?!


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