Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Friday, June 23, 2006

What is this MySpace you speak of?

It's crazy addicting, that's what it is. Andy signed me up and even designed a little page for me. Now I'm looking for classmates (and feeling rather jealous that they have 89 or 157 friends and I have 4), while at the same time thinkig - "I should be working on my paper, I should be working on my paper" over and over. And yet, I never knew this much about these people. I guess that's why parents and police are freaking out about MySpace. Really, an 14 year old shouldn't be posting this much about themselves. And, frankly, neither should a 27 year old, but at least they're an adult. But how cool is it that within about 5 minutes I found out where tons of people are living, who they're married to, and what they're favorite color is without really trying. So I guess I'm a real member of the cybergeneration now.


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