Let's Get Trivial
Andy's favorite game is Trivial Pursuit. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's the only board game he'll play without some sort of fuss about it being dumb. So, this means that we play Trivial Pursuit A LOT. I'm trying (slowly) to break my TV habit, and Andy is trying not to have one, so this means a lot of Trivial Pursuit, since once you get married and enter the real world of, "oh, I have to do those dishes, don't I?" you don't quite have as much of a desire to go out all the time like you used to. Or at least I don't. Of course, it could come from not enjoying my job as much as I thought I would. Anyway, Trivial Pursuit is one of those games that can go on forever, mostly because I have the original (blue box) edition that has entertainment questions about movies and tv shows that aired 20 and 30 years before we were born. I have a newer edition at my parents' house, and I think we'll break that out while we're home and see whether it's worth trying to fit in our luggage (or maybe we'll just bring the cards). My problem with playing the original Trivial Pursuit is patience: it seems like the game will never end, as you roll and roll and roll to try to land on the pink entertainment pie space and actually get a question right. Some questions are rediculously easy: "Who was Luke Skywalker's father?" Some are much harder: "What do these 4 very obscure actors have in common?" (Ok, I made that one up, but you get the point) But anyway, it keeps your brain active, which is supposed to prevent alzheimer's or something, and I'm all about preventing that.
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