Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Monday, July 12, 2004

People Watching

As we sat in El Rodeo and watched all of the people file out of the Kerry/Edwards Rally (including our neighbor), I saw the expected Bush is dumb shirts, the Yay Kerry shirts, and of course the free signs that they hand out so that you can use them as a fan while you die in the heat. Many people were smart and wore hats. There were straw hats, baseball hats, even one hat that looked like what the Asian people working in rice fields wear. That was unique. However, the most interesting hat of all looked like one of those hats with the hands on it where you pull the string and the hands clap. Instead of just hands clapping, though, each hand had a flag to wave. I wouldn't have been surprised to see it if this had been a Bush/Cheney Rally, but those democrats aren't exactly flag wavers the way that the pro-Bushers are.

On a related note, I don't think that any of the presidential or vice presidential candidates have particularly good hair. Both Kerry and Bush have old man hair, Edwards just looks kind of weird, and well, everyone has seen Dick Cheney.

On an unrelated note, Lynne Cheney (author of some great kids' books and wife of Dick) might be sleeping on the couch this week (ok, probably not, but wasn't that dramatic sounding?) According to CNN Headline news, Mr. Cheney is siding with the President with regard to the Senate's attempt to make the same-sex marriage ban a constitutional amendment. Mrs. Cheney, on the other hand, thinks it should be up to the states to decide. I think this is pretty funny, since, when I mentioned Lynne Cheney to my best friend (a strong supporter of the liberal side of things), she kind of shuddered... well, maybe she will like her now. By the way, if you're looking for a good book to give young kids (4-6), check out Mrs. Cheney's books. She donates her royalties, so it's not like you're adding to their millions or anything, and they're some of the best celebrity books. I should know. I've read them all. (Or at least all of them that came out before February 2004)


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