Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

A Dilemma

I don't care what Andy says about not voting for someone just because you met him once and thought he was nice (there's more to it than that). I would have voted for Dean in a heartbeat. People from "other states" don't understand the allegiance we small staters have to our states. It's like Jimmy rooting for the Mets or the Steelers, even though he knows they will lose, just because they're his favorite team. That's how I felt about Dean. He might have come across as being a little crazy, but he was just like a little kid trying to get attention. In the end, he might have calmed down and gone back to being the middle of the road democrat he always was in VT. But last night, as I watched Howie's speech, I lamented the fact that it's back to a non-choice election, just like 2000. 2 people I don't so much care for are running for president. I guess this is where people's strong allegance to party comes in, like my grandparents, who have always voted republican, no matter what. Unfortunately, I never grew up with a strong party affiliation - my parents were always divided, and Vermonters don't have to declare a party (we just go in on primary day and tell the people whether we want the republican or democratic ballot). Quite frankly, I'm a little nervous about either candidate becoming president. So, just like 2000, I'll try to pick the lesser of 2 evils. Now, lest you think I'm a tried and true Democrat based on my previous posts, I'll share with you what I like to remind my husband any time he picks on my liberal leanings: I voted for McCain in the 2000 primary, and I'd love to see Colin Powell or Elizabeth Dole on my ballot any day. (Of course, if we stay here long enough, I probably will see Elizabeth Dole, since she is currently a Republican senator from NC, and I hope she runs again.)

When I was a little kid, thinking about getting to vote for the first time, I thought that adults always felt strongly about their candidates. Maybe this is why young people are so apathetic about voting. Our ideals have been crushed by the politics of politicians.

Oh and by the way, if you didn't get a chance to see that video Jimmy had on his blog (the one set to the tune of "This Land is My Land..."), check it out soon, because aparently the creators of the video are being sued by the people who own the rights to the song.


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