Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Friday, June 18, 2004

Let's go ride a bike

on a busy street. Well, if you read yesterday's blog, you know the dangers of the street I drive on to go to work. This morning took the cake - I saw 2 people - that's right 2, not just 1 - riding their bikes on this road. Granted, at least one of them was a serious biker with those fancy clothes and everything, but the other was just a guy with a helmet. He did have a blinky red light attached to his butt, but, frankly, I don't see that making him a whole lot safer on a narrow, crowded road. I'm all for biking to work to save the environment, but let's be smart about it! Use the sidewalk (which I know isn't really legal, but he'd only have to do it for that narrow part, so I think a police officer would forgive him for trying to avoid being killed) so I don't have to watch cars fly by you about 6" away from your handlebars. Please, it's for my sanity and your safety.


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