Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Friday, February 27, 2004


I am a germ FREAK. I hate germs, I don't even want to think about the fact that everything I touch is covered with germs. But I do, I have to, because I work in a public institution with a population of 35,000 people. When I went to the bathroom today, I noticed that the soap dispenser by the sink I always use (humans are a creature of habit - you can't tell me you don't usually use the same sink everyday) was almost empty. Well, that's not a shock because they usually do the filling at different times of the day. The shock was that all of the other soap dispensers were full. Most of you are probably thinking, "so what?" Well, in my germ-phobe world, this occurance means one of two things: 1) Only the people who use "my" sink use soap. 2) Most people use my sink. Either way, this is a very frightening situation. While it is possible for #1 to be true, it is unlikely. However, the second is definitely possible, especially judging by the amount of water in the sink. (Yes, I'm a little crazy, but a university-wide infection with noroviris, a.k.a. the 48 hours of throwing up/diahrrea bug, will do that to you.) This possibility frightens me greatly for a few reasons. First, most people do not wash long enough (the CDC recommends at least 30 seconds) to get rid of germs like norovirus, so they will still be infected when they turn off the water and touch whatever else they are going to touch. Second, some people don't even use soap, which means that they are touching the faucet and paper towel dispenser with only a little water between them and the spread of massive amounts of germs. Third, all those people using 1 sink hugely increases the number of different diseases I could come into contact with.

By this time, you are probably thinking, "she really is crazy," and, "why doesn't she just use a different sink?" Well if I used a different sink, I wouldn't be able to be frightened, and we all know that if we're not frightened, that's one less thing to write about. Also, I'm human, and therefore a creature of habit. It'll be tough to change my ways. Maybe I'll just keep washing.


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