Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Won't somebody PLEASE shop at our store?

Ok, I'm starting to get desperate here. When we don't have any customers, then I have to do icky things like "zone maintenence" (scan every book's barcode and make sure that it's in the right place, then alphabetize it all). You'd think this wouldn't be a big deal, I mean, sometimes I even get to sit down while "zoning," but have you ever tried to scan about 200 paperback picture books that have been squished into about 1/2 as much shelf space as they should have? Each of these books is quite narrow, and the barcode, since they are paperbacks, is on the inside cover. Therefore, zoning invovles pulling the book out, opening the cover, scanning the barcode, and shoving the book back in its place. However, this becomes quite difficult when there are a few too many books on the shelf, since those books bend like a wet noodle when you try to put them away. It says, "nooooo! don't put me back in there! no one will see me and I'll be trapped forever!" This fear is, in fact, warranted, since I discovered quite a few books that had been missed by the inventory people. I scanned a book, thereby holding it in my hand, and the PDT (Personal book Detection Thingie), told me that we didn't actually have any in the store.

So, I am begging you, if you live in the Triangle, please please please come to the Brier Creek Barnes and Noble and buy lots and lots of books. Bring your friends, bring your children, bring Grandma from the nursing home. I really don't care, as long as you buy some books. Preferably big hardcover books, or sets of hardcover books. We have lots of those, just in time for the holidays. Or, heck, if you're feeling crazy, you can buy 2 Halloween books. We give you a free trick-or-treat bag if you do that...


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