Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Monday, October 20, 2003

Oooh now I get titles

After reading everyone's blogs (ok, just Andy's, Jimmy's, and Vikki's), I've decided that these things are the best invention ever. Since we can't sit around on the green couch watching the World Series with no sound, these blogs are the next best thing. Of course, without Liz and Katie getting in on the action, it's just not the same (hint hint).

On a different note, I'm going to cut this entry short so that I can continue my quest to find the perfect job (or at least one that doesn't involve working every holiday but Thanksgiving and Christmas). I'm hoping for something at the NC State Library or The North Carolina Museum of History, but the pickings are pretty slim. If anyone has suggestions for my new career, just let me know. I'm trying to find some direction that doesn't involve more than 3 more years of school, and that's about as far as it gets.


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