Since my life is more than shoes...

I thought I'd share it with you

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Talk about tax cuts...

I originally read a similar article on MSN, and I don't know too much about this news source, but I couldn't find the original one, and this seems accurate enough...

The Bushes and the Cheneys released their 2003 tax returns yesterday, and surprise, surprise, they saved money thanks to the President's tax cuts. Now we understand why he wanted to cut taxes for the rich... By the way, note how much he saved this year - that's about what I earn in one year - it's more, depending on which article you read and who estimates how much he saved. Now granted, I'm not in the highest paid job in the world, but I took a huge pay increase to change jobs to NC State. That means that the average worker working full time at a retail store like B&N makes a little more than 1/2 as much in a year as what Bush saved in his taxes. This is just crazy...


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