Oh it never rains in Southern California...
Or so the song goes. But, if you've ever dreamed of living there, read this article before taking the plunge. Apparently all of Southern California is a smog hazard zone waiting to kill you with every breath you take. Ok, that's a little extreme, but I was surprised that basically the entire area is a little on the unsafe side. Also, 55% of us live in "heavily polluted" areas. Now I know the state of NC is trying to blame our problems on Virginia (that's a whole new issue that also includes our own hog farms - who knew farming could be so dangerous? - and what am I saying - I don't have my "own" hog farm - but a lot of North Carolinians do, apparently). Anyway, I was also quite shocked to learn that Andy's home area of Cleveland-Akron-Elvyra OH was #15 on the dangerous cities list. I don't remember seeing anything floating in the air the way you do aroud NYC or LA. It's almost enough to make me walk to the store - but not quite. I do use public transportation, though, so that's something, right? Maybe we should all move to Vermont where the grass is green and the air is clean? Of course, then we would all be in Vermont, and then it wouldn't be so clean. Well, in any case, quit buying Hummers and start driving Priuses (what on earth is the plural of Prius? I guess it would be Prii or something, if my Latin is at all remembered properly... hmm that's a tough one...)
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